Lessons & Carols is our most musically ambitious offering of the year. Our musicians (along with a few special guests) work for months to prepare a beautiful and compelling artistic presentation of the Christmas story.
Each year we choose a theme through which to explore the Gospel and especially the birth of Jesus. This year our theme is Place. Jesus entered the world in a particular place, and we’ll explore how His incarnation affects our own experiences in our own places.
We trace the story of the Gospel through the Bible, through the particular lens of our theme (“Place” this year), spending focused time around the nativity scenes where we remember the gift of “God with us”.
1) Is this like a normal church service?
No! This is an event based around scripture readings, music and art. There is no participatory liturgy like we do on a Sunday, and no sermon. Maybe just one old-fashioned Carol sing!
2) Is there childcare available?
Yes, but only for four and under at the 4pm service. This is a kid-friendly service and we will provide some coloring materials for kids that go along with the program. If you don’t have children, the 7pm service may be a better fit for you.
3) Can I invite anyone?
Yes, all are welcome and we have two services to have plenty of space for everyone.
4) Where do I park?
There is parking behind our building, or if it is full, you can park right across the street in the Grimsley High School lot.
Hope Chapel is a gospel community for the flourishing of the city.
We are seeking to live out, in our words and actions, the teachings of Jesus by working for the spiritual, social, and cultural wellbeing of Greensboro. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey– if you are skeptical or mildly curious about Christianity, or if you are a committed follower of Jesus– Hope Chapel welcomes you.
For more info, visit our website.